Physics For Advanced Level (Local/International Syllabus)
Views: 389
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Individual & Group
Class Section:
A/L - Science (Local)
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Conducted By:
Eng Chathura Wanniarachchi
Athurugiriya, Battaramulla, Homagama, Kaduwela, Kottawa, Kotte, Maharagama, Malabe, Moratuwa, Mount Lavinia, Nawala, Nugegoda, Padukka, Pannipitiya, Piliyandala, Rajagiriya, Ratmalana, Talawatugoda
Per Visit
වසර 15 ක ඉගැන්වීම් පළපුරුද්ද හරහා, නොවරදින, විශිෂ්ට ප්රතිඵල ලගා කර දීමට සැකසූ පොත් කට්ටලයක් තුළින් මැනවින් විෂය ආවරණය කෙරේ. නිවසට පැමිණ පන්ති පවත්වන අතර ඔබට පහසු පරිදි තනි හෝ කණ්ඩායම් ලෙස පන්ති සදහා සම්බන්ධ විය හැක.
As a highly professional Chartered Electrical Engineer with a BSc (Hons) and an MSc in Electrical Installation from the University of Moratuwa, along with 15 years of teaching experience, I can help you achieve excellent results in A/L Physics. I provide well-prepared study materials that cover the entire syllabus. You have the flexibility to customize your home-visit classes for individual or group sessions
As a highly professional Chartered Electrical Engineer with a BSc (Hons) and an MSc in Electrical Installation from the University of Moratuwa, along with 15 years of teaching experience, I can help you achieve excellent results in A/L Physics. I provide well-prepared study materials that cover the entire syllabus. You have the flexibility to customize your home-visit classes for individual or group sessions
Published On:
2023-06-28 08:54PM
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Advanced level physics.group or individual classes by a post graduate tutor.local or London syllabus in sinhala or English medium.
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A Level Physics

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සම්පූර්ණ සිද්ධාන්ත සහිත ප්රශ්න ඇතුලුව පංතිය කරගෙන යනු ලැබේ
සෑම ඒකකයක්ම කෙටි කාලයක් තුල අවසන් කිරීමට විශේෂ වැඩ පිළිවෙලක්
විභාග mcq 1980 සිට සියල්ල සාකච්ඡා කරනු ලැබේ
සෑම ඒකකයක් සදහාම කෙටි සටහනක්
පළමු පංතිය නොමිලයේ කරදෙනු ලැබේ.
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Published On : 2025-03-13 07:48AM
A Level Physics

Description :
✌සිසුවාගේ මට්ටමට අනුව පාඨමාලාව සකසාගත හැක.
🔥 අවසන් පාඩම් කල්තියා ඉවරකරගැනීමට හැක(ප්රකාශ විද්යුත් ආචරණයේ සිට ආරම්භ කරයි).
🔵 25/26 තියරි සිසුන් සදහා රිවිශන් තියරි ප්රශ්න පත්ර පංති වගේම ප්රායෝගික පරීක්ෂණ පමණක් පංතිද සැලසුම් කරගත හැක.
වැඩි විස්තර සදහා අමතන්න.
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Physics Home Visit Classes

Description :
"Advanced level Physics home individual classes are conducted by a B.Sc. graduate and M.Sc. holder who is a former government school Physics teacher with immense experience in teaching A/L Physics for over 16 years and a proven track record of achieving higher results. The classes cover THEORY, RAPID THEORY, REVISION, RAPID REVISION, PROTOTYPE PAPER DISCUSSION, and more. The aim is to effectively target the examination and improve students' performance, helping them achieve a higher university rank. Home visits are available in Homagama and its suburbs for individual classes."
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A/L Physics (English &Sinhala Mediums)

Description :
අමාරු විෂයක් අමාරුවේ වැටෙන්නෙ නැතිව ගොඩදාගන්න. I am a Class teacher and BSc.Eng.(Hons) Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and graduated at faculty of Engineering university of Ruhuna. I am conducting GCE AL classes ( individual or group ) in both sinhala and English medium. සියලුම විෂය කරුණු පැහැදිලිව හා ක්රමානුකූලව and more and more works including inclass tests, takehome assignment papers, complete papers and so on. Contact me
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077-0236223,071-7451229Published On : 2025-03-09 09:20AM
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⇨ Physics classes in Colombo⇨ A/L - Science (Local) classes in Colombo