
Grade 10 & 11 - Science and Maths Tamil Medium Classes

Individual and Group Classes

Grade 6 - 11 - Science And Maths - Tamil Medium Classes


Grade 6 - 11 - Science and Maths - Tamil medium classes
Description : Maths and Science Theory + Revision + Paper (Depending on number of classes per week) Individual classes: Grade 6, 7, 8, 9 - 1200/= for one class (2 hours) Grade 10, 11 - 1250/= for one class (2 hours) No time wasters, please
Category : O/L (Grade 6-11) ≫ Science
Conducted By : Fathima A. H. BSc(Hons)
Contact : 0766077663 WhatsApp only
Published On : 2024-07-07 05:27AM

Physical Classes In Panadura - Grade 10 And 11 (O/L) Science And Maths - Tamil Medium Classes - Individual


Physical Classes In Panadura - Grade 10 and 11 (O/L) Science and Maths - Tamil Medium Classes - Individual
Description : Physical Science and Maths Classes(Face to face) Experience the joy of learning science and math in Tamil! Our classes for students in grades 8 to 11 offer a supportive and individual environment where curiosity thrives and understanding deepens. *** Two/ Three classes a week(can be arranged as per student and tutor convenience) *** Day/ Weekly payment option *** Theory + Unit tests + Paper classes *** Complete your syllabus way earlier *** Conducted by a Science graduate
Category : O/L (Grade 6-11) ≫ Science
Conducted By : Fathima A. H. BSc(Hons)
Contact : 0766077663 WhatsApp
Published On : 2024-05-11 08:12PM

Maths & Science - Grade 6 To 11 For Tamil Medium Students


Maths & Science - Grade 6 to 11 for Tamil medium students
Description : Individual - 1200 - 1500/= per class (2 hours) Group - Depends on the number of students per group - 2 to 15 students can be in each group. Make sure your child gets the right education for the subject.
Category : O/L (Grade 6-11) ≫ Science
Conducted By : A science graduate from university of Colombo
Contact : 0766077663 WhatsApp only
Published On : 2024-02-23 12:15PM

Grade 10 & 11 - Science And Maths Classes For Tamil Medium Students


Grade 10 & 11 - Science and Maths classes for Tamil medium students
Description : Individual - 1500/= per class (2 hours) Group - Depends on the number of students per group - 2 to 15 students can be in each group. Conducted by a science graduate from university of Colombo
Category : O/L (Grade 6-11) ≫ Science
Conducted By : A science graduate from university of Colombo
Contact : Whatsapp 0766077663
Published On : 2024-02-16 03:55AM

Online Classes For Grade 6-11 (Maths And Science )


Online classes for Grade 6-11 (Maths and science )
Description : I am Anton Dalsan .I am undergraduate at Wayamba university Following food science and nutrition course .I already had experiences on teaching via online .I teach maths and science classes for 6-11 students who studies in tamil medium .I guide for math and science quizes and olympiad exams too ..
Category : O/L (Grade 6-11) ≫ Science
Conducted By : Dalsan (Undergraduate at WUSL)
Contact : 0742727749
Published On : 2024-02-15 02:37PM

Grade 9, 10, & 11 - Science And Maths Classes - Tamil Medium


Grade 9, 10, & 11 -  Science and Maths classes - Tamil medium
Description : New syllabus classes - Science and maths - Theory - Paper - Rapid revisions Individual classes and mini group classes available.
Category : O/L (Grade 6-11) ≫ Science
Conducted By : A science graduate from university of Colombo
Contact : 0766077663 WhatsApp message
Published On : 2024-02-09 10:33PM

Science Online Zoom Class | Grade 6-11 | Tamil Medium | Island Wide


Science Online Zoom Class | Grade 6-11 | Tamil Medium | Island Wide
Description : * தரம் 6 முதல் 11 வரை விஞ்ஞான பாட ZOOM ஆன்லைன் வகுப்புக்கள் - தமிழ் மீடியம் * தரம் 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 இற்கான விஞ்ஞான பாட விசேட ஆன்லைன் வகுப்புக்கள் * கடந்த 2 வருட காலமாக வெற்றிகரமாக நடாத்தப்படும் விஞ்ஞான �...
Category : O/L (Grade 6-11) ≫ Science
Conducted By : DigitalScienceLAB.com
Contact : 0750113002
Published On : 2023-01-01 02:46PM