English (Literature) Class For GCE A/L
Views: 61
074 071 7889
Class Size:
Individual & Group
Class Section:
A/L - Arts (Local)
Class Subject:
Conducted By:
Ms Sewmini
074 071 7889
Please feel free to contact me for more details
Students' convenient dates and times for classes can be arranged.
Both individual and group classes are conducted based on the preferences of the student.
Online classes via Zoom.
BA (Hons) in TESL.
Qualified in French DELF A2 and B1.
Qualified in Cambridge English Movers to FCE level.
PGD certificate in International Relations.
Teaching experience at schools
Students' convenient dates and times for classes can be arranged.
Both individual and group classes are conducted based on the preferences of the student.
Online classes via Zoom.
BA (Hons) in TESL.
Qualified in French DELF A2 and B1.
Qualified in Cambridge English Movers to FCE level.
PGD certificate in International Relations.
Teaching experience at schools
Published On:
2024-12-11 11:33AM
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