
Languages Classes and Teachers in Negombo, Gampaha

Individual and Group Classes

Spoken English


Spoken English
Description : ඉතාම කෙටි කාලයකදී දක්ෂලෙස ඉංගීසි කතා කිරීමට (Spoken English) හැකිවන ලෙස අපටම ආවේනික වූ කරමයකට ඉගැන්වීම සිදුකෙරේ ඉංගීසි භාෂාවේ සියළුම වාක්‍ය කොටස් 4 කට වර්ග කර විහේෂිත වූ කරමයකට සිංහලෙන් ඇතිවූ සිතුව�...
Category : Languages ≫ Spoken English
Conducted By : Experience Teacher
Published On : 2023-09-21 04:28AM

English Language And Spoken English


English Language and Spoken English
Description : General ( local school syllabus) and Spoken English classes are conducted by an experienced lady teacher with over 15 years of experience in teaching.
Category : Languages ≫ Spoken English
Conducted By : Conducted by an experienced lady teacher,
Published On : 2023-09-20 11:16AM

English Classes


English classes
Description : English classes for all grades students
Category : Languages ≫ English
Conducted By : Hasandi
Published On : 2023-09-18 06:28PM

English Classes For Every Grades


English classes for every grades
Description : English language for all grades. Students who attend theory classes will be able to get high marks in their all tests. If someone attends to the spoken class he will be able to speak in english within 6 months Online &physical classes are available
Category : Languages ≫ English
Conducted By : Mrs.Thakshila Kaldera
Published On : 2023-09-17 07:44AM

French Class For All Students


French class for all students
Description : Local and London syllabus are both conducting. Well experienced teacher.
Category : Languages ≫ French
Conducted By : Ms Raini Fernando
‪+94 78 170 0200‬ (WhatsApp)
Published On : 2023-09-14 03:19PM

Spoken English Course For Ladies


Spoken English Course for Ladies
Description : Spoken English Classes Conducted for Working Ladies, University Students, Housewives, Migrants,School Students etc... This is a Ladies only class!!! Fully Online!!! Individual Classes!! 100% Speaking than Writing!! Special Course for improving your Speaking!!! Contact for more information!!
Category : Languages ≫ Spoken English
Conducted By : Fathima
Published On : 2023-09-13 09:47PM

English Medium Class


English Medium class
Description : Dear parents. Physical and virtual classes will be conducted for the students from overseas and domestically. Local and Cambridge syllabi are most welcome. English - classes will be conducted from Nursery to grade 11 Maths - classes will be conducted from Nursery to Grade 5 Science- classes will be conducted from Nursery to grade 7. Date and time Negotiable. Feel free to call me on my mobile number. Before 10pm. Thank you.
Category : Languages ≫ English
Conducted By : Teacher Nazmina ( Former teacher at Lyceum international school Gampaha )
Published On : 2023-08-31 12:36PM

English Class


English Class
Description : Unlock the power of effective communication with our comprehensive English Language tuition classes! Whether you're a budding Grade One student embarking on your language journey or a dedicated G.C.E Ordinary Level student aiming for linguistic excellence, our classes cater to all proficiency levels. Miss Tanasha is committed to nurturing language skills in a supportive and engaging environment. But it's not just for students; if you're anyone eager to enhance your fluency in English, our clas...
Category : Languages ≫ English
Conducted By : Miss Tanasha
Published On : 2023-08-28 03:59PM

Japanese Language Classes Gampaha


Japanese language classes gampaha
Description : N1 Holder Graduate female teacher 17 years experienced Author Face book Japanese class-Himawari Sensei
Category : Languages ≫ Japanese
Conducted By : Himawari Vidanagamage
Published On : 2023-08-25 01:02PM

Elocution Classes


Elocution classes
Description : Registration of new students from Age 4- 16 for the year 2023- 2024 is now in progress. Our classes to Enhance ▪️Tongue twisters ▪️Picture description ▪️Poem recitation ▪️Prose reading ▪️Story telling ▪️Improvisation Speech, drama and mime ▪️public speaking exercises ▪️ Grammer ▪️Vocabulary ▪️Presentation skills Classes will be conducted in The WizzKids’ English Academy Nittambuwa.
Category : Languages ≫ English - Elocution
Conducted By : A qualified lady Teacher
Published On : 2023-08-20 06:28PM

English Spoken & Grammar


English Spoken & Grammar
Description : ඉංග්‍රිසි කථනය සහ ව්‍යාකරණය ඔබේ ජිවිතයේ වසර ගණනක සිට ඔබ ඉංග්‍රිසි කථාකිරිමට සහ ලිවිමට කොපමණ උත්සහ කළත් විවිධ පංතිවලට සහභාගි වුණත් ඔබට එය ඉෂ්ට කරගත නෙහැකි වුණාද? එහෙනම් මගේ පංතියට සහභාගි�...
Category : Languages ≫ Spoken English
Conducted By : Pradeep Jayawardena
Published On : 2023-08-14 04:25PM

Chinese Language Classes


Chinese Language Classes
Description : Hi dear students! Welcome you to learn Chinese from a professional experienced lecturer,founder of “ Learn Chinese With Miss lǐ ”. You can also visit my instagram page and Facebook page which have study related videos. Instagram:@learnchinesewithmissli Facebook:@learnchinesewithmissli Online and physical classes around kadawatha.
Category : Languages ≫ Chinese
Conducted By : Eranthi Liyanage
Published On : 2023-07-31 09:40AM

English For All ( First Day Is Tototally Free)


English for All ( first day is tototally free)
Description : 01) Syllabus of Course i. day - Nouns ii.day - Verbs iii.day - Adverbs iv.day - Adjectives v. day - Conjuntions vi.day - Propositions vii.day - Diterminers viii day - Pronouns viii.day - Interjuntions 02) English Newspaper articals and Sentenses patterns are discusssed at about 6 pm everyday. 03) On line classes anywhere in the island.
Category : Languages ≫ English
Conducted By : Well experienced teacher
Published On : 2023-07-21 10:53PM

Chinese Language Classes


Chinese language classes
Description : Hsk level 1 Hsk level 2
Category : Languages ≫ Chinese
Conducted By : DP Higher Education
Published On : 2023-07-18 01:08PM

Spoken English (Activity Based - No Writing)


Spoken English (Activity Based - No Writing)
Description :
Category : Languages ≫ Spoken English
Conducted By : Freestyle English Paradise
0755 000 599
Published On : 2023-07-11 05:17PM
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